Category Archives: Orchids


Orchidaceae (the orchid family) is the largest family of flowering plants with more than 25,000 species, with more and more new orchid plants are being discovered continually, though about 3,000 of the species are under taxonomic dispute. It is also the oldest type of flowering plant on earth and makes up about 6–11% of all seed plants. The largest […]

Growing Disa uniflora and its hybrids

Cultivation Disa uniflora orchids make a good companion to Cymbidium orchids and Odontoglossum orchids. The Disa uniflora orchid species are relatively new to the orchid cultivation scene and are indigenous to the Western Cape in South Africa. Disa uniflora has small orchid flowers, but the stems can reach 1 meter (that is 3.3 feet) in height. The colors of the Disa uniflora orchid flower of the Disa uniflora hybrids which […]

The Dendrobium Orchid

Dendrobium orchids and their hybrids form the second largest group of orchids after the Bulbophyllum orchids. There is way over 1,500 species of Dendrobium orchids in this group and thousands more types of orchid hybrids in the Dendrobium orchid group; and they are well dispersed all over the world. Nowadays it is not uncommon to find a Dendrobium orchid growing in India, Japan, the Philippines, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, […]

Growing Cypripedium orchids

In 1737 Carl Linnaeus used the word Cypripedium to describe the European orchid species. The word Cyprus (the island Cyprus) originated from the name Cypripedium. Carl Linnaeus also used the word pedilum, which meant shoe or slipper, to describe other species. Cypripedium orchids occur naturally in the Far East, but these days it is cultivated almost anywhere in the world. There were also some […]

Growing Cymbidium Orchids

Cymbidium Orchid Cultivation Cymbidium orchid species are not widely cultivated, but hybrids of Cymbidium orchids lend themselves to cultivation. They make excellent pot plants and cut flowers and as such the Cymbidium orchids (both the species and the hybrids) are very popular. Incidentally their flowering period coincides with the Winter Christmas season in the Northern hemisphere. These Cymbidium orchids make great gifts […]

Growing Cattleya Orchid

Cattleya orchids are also known as the ‘Queen of Orchids‘. They come in lovely, large, pink, blousy orchid flowers and represent most people’s idea of what an orchid flower should look like. The Cattleya orchid flowers are some of the most beautiful exotic fragrance flowers and vary in colors from the beautiful lavenders to deep reds, whites, yellows […]

Caring for Orchids

One of the main considerations that should be taken into account when deciding on cultivating orchids is that the conditions that you can offer the orchids must approximately match their natural habitat. You may take extraordinary measures to keep your orchid plants alive and it will still refrain from thriving if the environment that you can offer […]

Growing Ascocenda Orchids

The Ascocenda Orchid is a fascinating orchid species that is represented by the most handsome large orchid plants and an equally wide variety of beautiful orchid flowers. This orchid is not very different from the Vanda orchid and the Phalaenopsis orchid in all these orchids are tropical orchids that thrive as warm-climate orchids. As an orchid grower you will always want to […]